Here it is. Fresh slate, custom Domain Name, the whole deal. I’ve been writing around the web for quite some time. I’ve used WordPress, Blogger - for a while, I stayed with Medium for quite some time, but in the end, I decided I needed a custom Domain Name to start taking my writing seriously.

I needed a minimalist, bare bone, clean look, with a content-first idea. Github Pages was the natural answer, but the whole process of setting up via Jekyll, was quite, dare I say, intimidating, for a non coding person like myself ( I need to change that, this year). Finally, I decided to go with Svbtle, because a) Its great, if you just want a writing pad and nothing to do with a terminal and b) Minimalist outlook with a custom Domain Name. And so we’re up and about.

I’ve written a 101 on quite a few blogs of mine, but this is hopefully the last of that. The idea is to write relentlessly, and become a better writer, and more importantly, a better thinker. The plan is just three blog posts per month, for the moment. I am looking to write more when I’ve developed a flow.

So what am I going to write about? Mostly expanding on good ideas I’ve seen, and any personal forward-stepping thinking I’ve done. The latter’s going to be rare. All in all, this is a test ground, and I am in no hurry to gather an audience. That time will come.



Now read this

Stranger than Fiction

What follows is an excerpt from a book. Well, a fan-fiction. “There’s a tale I once heard about some students who came into a physics class, and the teacher showed them a large metal plate near a fire. She ordered them to feel the metal... Continue →