Here it is. Fresh slate, custom Domain Name, the whole deal. I’ve been writing around the web for quite some time. I’ve used WordPress, Blogger - for a while, I stayed with Medium for quite some time, but in the end, I decided I needed a custom Domain Name to start taking my writing seriously.

I needed a minimalist, bare bone, clean look, with a content-first idea. Github Pages was the natural answer, but the whole process of setting up via Jekyll, was quite, dare I say, intimidating, for a non coding person like myself ( I need to change that, this year). Finally, I decided to go with Svbtle, because a) Its great, if you just want a writing pad and nothing to do with a terminal and b) Minimalist outlook with a custom Domain Name. And so we’re up and about.

I’ve written a 101 on quite a few blogs of mine, but this is hopefully the last of that. The idea is to write relentlessly, and become a better writer, and more importantly, a better thinker. The plan is just three blog posts per month, for the moment. I am looking to write more when I’ve developed a flow.

So what am I going to write about? Mostly expanding on good ideas I’ve seen, and any personal forward-stepping thinking I’ve done. The latter’s going to be rare. All in all, this is a test ground, and I am in no hurry to gather an audience. That time will come.



Now read this

The Master

I’ve gone back to reading Wodehouse this past week and I’m back in gushing fanboy love again, not that there’s any other emotion you can feel with him. Wodehouse is the Master. “ Still the funniest writer ever to have put words on paper... Continue →