Powering through despair

I’m one of the lucky ones. Life hasn’t been hard for me - I’ve not been through the pain, loss and suffering that many my age have been through. This pandemic has been one of the most stressful events I’ve ever encountered, which isn’t true for many people.

Still, there’s a ton of despair and anguish at the situation. The virus has torn through the fabric of the industrial world, through all our pretenses of a stable civilisation and species, and shaken our faith in long-standing social contracts and established human progress. We seem to have fallen. And so how do we power through this all - wake up everyday, go to work at our desks, sit through calls, work on presentations, cook two square meals and prepare to do it all over again?

I don’t know how. Sometimes its a straight up miracle. Even if you manage to drown out the noises on Twitter and on television, there’s a louder voice that refuses to stay still - your own thoughts. Uncertainty, chaos, panic - its only natural to experience these now, and accept the powerlessness of one’s actions. I believe, only that acceptance will bring some strength to wake up the next day. It must. That’s all we have.


Now read this


There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says “Morning, boys. How’s the water?” And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of... Continue →